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Join / Renew

The Canadian Association for Sport Heritage (CASH) is a national association of institutions, organizations, and individuals dedicated to the preservation of Canada's rich sports heritage. Please select the appropriate Membership Category and submit the corresponding payment.           

Membership runs annually from January 1 to December 31. 


Membership fees can be paid via PayPal by selecting the appropriate button below or with cheque or money order made payable to:

Canadian Association for Sport Heritage

c/o Vickie Krauss, VP – Membership, Saskatchewan Sports Hall of Fame

2205 Victoria Ave

Regina, SK

S4P 0S4


To pay using PayPal, follow the 3 steps below.


To pay with a cheque or money order, complete steps 1 and 2, indicating you will pay via cheque and mail the cheque to the address noted above.

Step 1. Select your Membership Category and Annual Fee Amount (select only 1 category and check only 1 button)

Institutional (voting)

Any non-profit organization whose primary mandate is the preservation and promotion of sport heritage in Canada (eg. Halls of Fame, Museums, Libraries, Archives) 

Individual (voting)

Any individual who is interested in the preservation and promotion of sports heritage in Canada, and who supports the objective of the Association (eg. staff, volunteers. honoured members, trustees, historians)

Associate (non-voting)

Any individual, organization or corporation whose primary mandate is something other than the preservation and promotion of sports heritage in Canada, but who supports the objectives of the Association (eg. other heritage institutions, sports organizations, suppliers, collectors, consultants, media)

Student (non-voting)

Any individual currently enrolled in an accepted educational institution for the purpose of achieving a degree/diploma or to further their education

Step 2. Enter the Member Contact Information
(Please complete so we can verify or correct the information which we have on file)





Mailing Address




Facebook Name:



Postal Code:

Mobile Phone:


Twitter Handle:

Indicate your preferred method of contact regarding CASH correspondence:
Include me in the CASH Membership Directory (which will be available on the CASH Website):

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How will you pay your membership fee?

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Your form data has been submitted, please complete your registration by clicking the appropriate PayPal button.  Thank You

Step 3. Select the PayPal button that corresponds to the Membership Category you selected in step 1.

Institutional - $100

Buy with PayPal

Institutional - $50

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Individual - $35

Buy with PayPal

Associate - $100

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Associate - $50

Buy with PayPal

Student - $25

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Canadian Association for Sport Heritage

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